Prescription required
Humatrope contains recombinant human growth hormone. It is used to treat the symptoms of growth hormone deficiency in adults and growth failure (short stature) in children that can be caused by disorders of the pituitary gland, or hypothalamus.
It is a white powder that requires reconstitution into a solution. Once reconstituted, the medication must be injected subcutaneously. Avoid freezing, heating, shaking, forcefully tapping, or exposing the medication to direct sunlight.
The medication may have dose-dependent adverse effects such as headache, joint pain, muscle pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, peripheral edema, thyroid problems, high blood sugar, and insulin resistance. Hypersensitive patients may develop allergic reactions.
Notify your doctor if you have any other chronic conditions and if you take any medications. This information is a summary and does not represent medical advice. It does not replace medical counseling with your healthcare provider.
Our Patient Guide to Humatrope
About Elly Lilly
Founded in 1876. It is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, US. It is the first company to produce injectable insulin. Its products are available in 125 countries. Elly Lilly has offices in 18 countries.
Ethan –
Ever since I started my 9 to 5 career in my late 20’s my physical and mental state started to deteriorate. After researching HGH on the internet, Humatrope really stuck out as the perfect one for me. I have been on Humatrope for a few months now and the changes are visible to both myself and those around me. Before taking Humatrope I lacked the desire to have sex and sometimes experienced erectile dysfunction. Humatrope has really upped my libido, and I feel like a 20-year-old again. Aside from my personal life, I’ve noticed an obvious increase in productivity and motivation at work and a decrease in sad thoughts.
Edward –
I have struggled with pituitary dysfunction for most of my adult life. I’ve taken shots for it but always felt like it was a handful to try to mix my own stuff, manage the doses, and deal with all the equipment. That’s why I love the Humatrope pen. I can insert a little vial into the pen, and then dial and click and it’s done. It has simplified my life in a big way. Now I miss fewer doses and have fewer side effects. It’s the best new invention I’ve seen in a long time.
Marie –
I’ve been taking hormone replacement therapy for over ten years now. My other medicine was discontinued, so my doctor started me on Humatrope. Since I started taking it, I noticed that my skin has started feeling amazing. There must be something in the Humatrope that my skin really needed. I will say, it does make me a little sweaty, but I would still highly recommend it to anyone considering HRT.
Mark –
When I discovered that my sexual dysfunction was caused by hormone loss, I found a doctor to work with and started hormone replacement right away. It worked well, but I was experiencing some uncomfortable side effects. Luckily, my doctor switched me to Humatrope, and I started to feel all of the benefits without the bad side effects.
Carolyn –
Humatrope has stopped the progression of my bone loss as I aged. At first, my doctor said I would be facing osteoporosis in a few years. It’s been five years since then, and I have not lost any more bone density since starting Humatrope. I am so grateful my doctor found this, and that we stopped wasting time with pills and chews. Injections may seem scary to some people, but for me, they were the answer, and the discomfort isn’t bad at all
Jannice –
Experience much deeper sleep after the start of the treatment, as well as stabilizing moods. The doctor noticed my depressed condition and suggested that it might be caused by low GH levels (and yes, was confirmed with tests). Now I feel much better and expect other benefits from Humatrope.