Herbs and spices have long been used as therapeutic remedies for a myriad of complications and diseases. Traditional medicine relied on the use of plant extract or whole plant organs to treat various conditions.

Fenugreek is one of the widely used herbs in India, the Arabic regions, and now the West. Fenugreek was frequently cultivated for its use in food as a spice. The main ingredients of Fenugreek seeds are vitamins, fiber, minerals, and sugar.

In addition to being a spice, studies now show that the extract of Fenugreek extract has innumerable uses including treating stomach problems, improving strength, and enhancing digestion.

In more than one study, it was discovered that the fenugreek extract could improve sexual function, boost libido, and improve masculinity. One study involving a sample of males between the ages of 30 years and 52 years that involved one group of men consuming Fenugreek extract and compared another group that consumed a placebo came to the conclusion that the supplement boosts testosterone and subsequently, raises muscle strength and libido.

Testosterone (T) is a male sex hormone (androgen) that is responsible for anabolic effects such as an increase in strength and muscle mass. There are also other benefits of T including enhanced energy, high libido, and improved athletic performance.

Unfortunately, in more than one study, it is evident that hormone levels typically dip when men begin to enter in their late 20s and early 30s. This article delves into assessing the effect of Fenugreek extract in boosting testosterone.

low t Fenugreek

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Before understanding the use of fenugreek for testosterone, you ought to know the signs of low testosterone. The only surefire way to diagnose low T according to more than one study is to perform a blood test.

In some instances, low T can occur with or without the manifestation of symptoms. The range of symptoms usually emerges when the level of the hormone drops below 300 nanograms per deciliter.

According to the American Urological Association, normal levels of testosterone should be 300 to 1000 ng/dl. If the quantities of testosterone go below 300 ng/dl, there are various symptoms that could emerge including:

  • Low semen volume: Testosterone is a key component in semen production. Therefore, low T leads to a low volume of semen.
  • Low sex drive: Some men tend to notice a drastic drop in desire to have sex.
  • Affected sleep patterns: some men experience interrupted sleep patterns
  • Fatigue: Men with low levels of the hormone notice a drop in energy levels despite having plenty of sleep.
  • Osteoporosis: The bones may become brittle and weak in addition to muscle deterioration.
  • Difficulties in achieving an erection: If testosterone levels dip, men may experience difficulties getting an erection before sexual intercourse.
  • Loss of hair: When men experience a dip in T, it could manifest as a loss in facial and body hair.

Some of the symptoms that manifest as low T, could be a result of other factors such as excessive alcohol consumption or food that lowers testosterone, side effects of medications, etc. You need to consult a doctor if you are unsure about the symptoms you are experiencing.

Consumption of Fenugreek

Fenugreek extract is consumed in numerous forms. Some people consume it as whole seeds. In other instances, the seeds can be brewed to form a tea, baked into bread, made into flour, or pressed to form oil.

Mechanism of Action of Fenugreek

The main mode of action of the fenugreek extract in the regulation of various hormones in the body. In more than one study, the results led to the conclusion that fenugreek extract has the potential to improve lean body mass and to lower cholesterol.

Additionally, the extract can improve the utilization of fatty acids in the production of energy which could also lead to increased strength. Such fat-reducing effects are promoted by the inhibition of aromatase and reductase. The reduction of fat can lead to an increase in testosterone.

The fenugreek extract from the plant seeds also works by inhibiting the two enzymes responsible for the depletion of T in the body. The enzymes reductase and aromatase, are known to convert testosterone to other forms such as estrogen and dihydrotestosterone.

Consequently, the body is able to increase T and reduce fat levels, and improve muscle composition due to the extract.

doctor explain mechamism of action of fenugreek

Fenugreek and Testosterone

There is an intricate relationship between fenugreek and T in the body as many a study shows. The complex interplay of different factors leads to an increase in T levels.

For example, the estrogen-like properties of Fenugreek extract confer it with T-boosting capabilities. The supplement contains steroidal saponins that play a crucial role in boosting testosterone. Many a study posits that Fenugreek contains furostanolic saponins that increase T, which subsequently leads to higher libido, more muscle, increased strength, and less fat.

Additionally, the positive effects arising from Fenugreek influence the levels of T in other ways. By lowering the overall body fat, regulating blood sugar, and increasing lean muscle composition, the extract enhances masculinity week after week.

Such factors promote a cycle favoring T production because they lead to higher levels of T, and subsequently, T also aids in maintaining low body fat, low blood sugar, and masculinity.

Fenugreek extract also contains steroidal components such as gitogenin, diosgenin, neotigogens, yamogenin, and tigogenin. Numerous researchers study diosgenin and find that it is an important constituent of various sex hormones.

Also, diosgenin is known to play a big role in controlling weight and improving muscle growth and strength.

How Fenugreek Boosts Testosterone

Through the Testes

The extract of Fenugreek also contains a component known as fenuside. Fenuside is a form of glucoside which activates various androgens in the body.

Essentially, Fenugreek activates the testes to produce male hormones, and more than one study is in agreement with this fact. One of the key hormones produced in the process is testosterone.

Through Insulin Regulation

In more than one study, the conclusion was that there is a strong link between insulin and testosterone. Further, the extract from fenugreek has been extensively researched using animal and human models.

The effects of the supplement on insulin regulation as well as hyperglycemia are backed with valid data from more than one study. Fenugreek has been found to lower blood glucose as more than one study shows.

It is believed that unregulated insulin can affect sex hormone production. Therefore, in regulating insulin, the compound influences T production. In addition to boosting testosterone, it also helps manage Type 2 diabetes to an extent.

Regulation of Body Fat

In every weight loss study, the conclusion was that being overweight can result in low testosterone due to a high sugar level in the bloodstream. Therefore, consuming fenugreek extract can increase T by accelerating the process of weight loss.

Fenugreek extract can improve metabolism and improve antioxidant activity which prevents the accumulation of excess weight. In addition, to reducing fat, the fenugreek extract supports the muscle and T cycle.

An individual with lean muscle produces increased T and vice versa. Fenugreek supports this cycle by raising lean muscle composition.

Through Cholesterol Regulation

Fenugreek has also been shown to effectively combat abnormal cholesterol in individuals with a high-lipid level in the blood. The supplement is linked to decreased cholesterol because it activates hepatic triglyceride lipase which is responsible for breaking down bad cholesterol into small particles.

Through Enhanced Antioxidant Activity

Many a study has shown that Fenugreek extract has a high antioxidant activity comparable to that of kale. In fact, more than one study has discovered that the Fenugreek seeds extract tends to have more prominent antioxidant activities than kale.

The key antioxidants present in the seeds include saponins and flavonoids. Antioxidants have been shown to increase the production of testosterone and slow down the decrease in T induced by aging.

In conclusion, to experience the full benefits of Fenugreek extract, it is essential to adhere to the basic rules of boosting T every week. One of the renowned strategies to increase testosterone is adopting healthy lifestyle choices.

Adopting such lifestyles can greatly determine the success one experiences by including a supplement of Fenugreek to boost the level of testosterone. Not only is the extract beneficial in boosting T and increasing strength, as many a study would show, but it also does not have perilous side effects. The extract is thus safe for use.

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